The Best Time To Start Applying for Those Summer Internships | Chase (2025)

Getting a summer internship can be a great way to start building your resume while you are in college and also, to potentially earn money.

If you’re considering applying to summer internships or already have your mind set on it, the next question that likely comes to mind for you is, when is the best time to apply for these positions?

In this article we’ll cover the best time to apply for summer internships, along with other common questions people have about summer internships.

First things first, what’s a summer internship?

A summer internship is a program designed to give students real-world work experience in a corporate environment. Many of these programs serve as the first step towards landing an entry-level job or at least as a resume-building opportunity for students. They also serve as an opportunity for students to explore career paths before deciding where to focus after college. Many internship programs offer pay or stipends, but some are for college credit.

When is the best time to apply for summer internships?

We recommend starting to look for summer internships as early as the fall in anticipation of the following summer. This is because companies have wildly different deadlines, and you want to ensure that you don’t miss any important ones. Some companies will have deadlines in December, for instance, for summer internships for the next summer. So starting your search early will be helpful.

A fall internship search for the next summer isn’t going to cover all of your bases, though. That’s because some companies won’t even post job openings until the spring. Because of that we recommend doing some kind of a search at least once a month until you’ve secured an internship you are excited about.

As you do your search, make sure to track deadlines so you can stay on top of them for the internships you are most interested in. If you can’t find a company’s internship deadline online reach out to the career counseling office at your school which might have an idea of when the deadline is. Another option is to reach out to the company itself and just ask.

Other FAQs about summer internships

Can high school students apply for summer internships?

While most college-level internships will not accept high school students, there are summer internship opportunities specifically designed for high school students. If you’re a high school student searching for a summer internship, speak to a counselor at your high school about possible opportunities.

High school summer internships are an excellent way to prepare for college and to start building work experience.

How many summer internships should you apply for?

Internships can be highly competitive depending on the industry you’re searching in. That’s why applying for several internships is incredibly important.

While there is no exact right number of internships to apply for, you want to apply to a number of opportunities so you have the best chance at landing something. It’s very much the same logic as applying to colleges, you want to give yourself the best possible chance.

When do summer internships start?

The start date of internships depends on the company. Usually, internships will start after Memorial Day and continue through the first few weeks of August (when most college students return to school). Some internships will even have flexible start and end dates.

Once you’ve been accepted to an internship, they will let you know your internship's start and end date, or if there is flexibility. This is something you can ask in the interview process, too.

How long are summer internships?

Typically, summer internships last anywhere from 10 to 12 weeks. The timeline can vary depending on the company or your college schedule, though. Let the hiring manager know when you start classes again to ensure the internship ends before you head back to college.

If you have questions about the length of an internship, you should ask questions during the interview process to ensure the duration works for you.

How much do summer internships pay?

How much you get paid during an internship varies widely. Some internships are unpaid and in exchange you’ll get college credit.

Summer internships that are paid and are not for college credit will pay at least minimum wage.

To give you some idea of the pay, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) detailed in its 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report that the average hourly wage for 2020-21 bachelor’s level interns was $20.82.

Still, it’s important to remember that pay will vary depending on the company and the location of the internship. If you have questions about the pay rate, ask the hiring manager or recruiter during the interview process.

Final thoughts

A summer internship will add value to your resume and give you great exposure to career options. You should make the most of the time you get with an internship as a college student and use it as an opportunity to think ahead to life after college.

The Best Time To Start Applying for Those Summer Internships | Chase (2025)


The Best Time To Start Applying for Those Summer Internships | Chase? ›

When is the best time to apply for summer internships? We recommend starting to look for summer internships as early as the fall in anticipation of the following summer. This is because companies have wildly different deadlines, and you want to ensure that you don't miss any important ones.

What is the best time to look for summer internships? ›

So if you are interested in a summer internship, expect to apply in January. And that means that you should start identifying your ideal field and companies in November, so that you can use the month of December to develop your application and materials.

What date do most summer internships start? ›

When do summer internships start? The start date of internships depends on the company. Usually, internships will start after Memorial Day and continue through the first few weeks of August (when most college students return to school). Some internships will even have flexible start and end dates.

How long in advance should I apply for an internship? ›

Apply early! While deadlines vary across employers and companies, starting the application process 3 months prior ensures you're not missing deadlines, thus maximizing your options.

What is the time for summer internship? ›

Summer internships: Most students complete a summer internship between years of undergraduate education. These internships tend to last 10 to 12 weeks, and happen during the summer months, typically late May or early June to early or late August.

Is it too late to get summer internship in April? ›

Many small and medium-sized companies don't realize they need interns until April or May rolls around,” says Lauren Berger, CEO of, “so they post their internship openings relatively late.” Since you're in a time crunch, you'll need to ace the application process.

How hard is it to get a summer internship? ›

Getting an internship isn't quite as hard as you might think and getting your dream internship is far more achievable than you've led yourself to believe. You just have to follow a few simple steps (don't get me wrong, it'll still take hard work) and soon you'll be getting your ideal internship in college.

Which month is best for internship? ›

For students, undertaking an internship during university, particularly in the summer months, is highly recommended. Not only does it complement academic learning, but it also provides valuable hands-on experience that can shape your career trajectory.

How to get your first summer internship? ›

How to find a summer internship
  1. Start your search early.
  2. Research career industries.
  3. Search job boards.
  4. Use your professional network.
  5. Create an effective resume.
  6. Keep sending applications.
  7. Communicate with potential employers.
Feb 13, 2024

How long before to apply for an internship? ›

Generally to apply for an internships, the earlier, the better. Start applying for internships several months before you want to begin. Aim for around 6-9 months in advance. Keep an eye on deadlines and try to get certifications needed for that particular study.

How early should I look for internship? ›

You should start looking for internships 3-5 months before you would like to start. Unlike traditional jobs, many internships hire candidates well in advance of their start date.

How many internships should you apply to a week? ›

Internships are often highly competitive, with many applicants applying for a single position. To increase the likelihood that you will earn an interview and, ultimately, an internship, you should apply to 10 to 20 internships every two or three weeks.

When should I start preparing for summer internship? ›

However, you can begin your search as early as a year in advance. In fact, the best time to learn about internship opportunities for next summer is often as the current summer is coming to a close (i.e. in August of 2024 in preparation for a Summer 2025 internship).

What are typical summer internship dates? ›

Depending on when the student gets out of school, a summer internship usually starts in May or June and continues through August. The most common timeframe for summer internships is to begin right after Memorial Day and run through the first week of August.

How to choose a summer internship? ›

  1. Make sure it matches your interests and field of study. Knowing the career you plan to pursue can significantly benefit your internship selection. ...
  2. Verify your degree requirements. ...
  3. Consider your stipend (if applicable) ...
  4. Consider the hours. ...
  5. Get to know the company. ...
  6. Consider the location.

Do summer internships look good on college applications? ›

Working as an intern shows you're interested in taking on responsibility and learning new things. Also, becoming an intern can show admissions officers you're getting a head start on the subject you plan to major in.

What is the best time to do internship in college? ›

For students, undertaking an internship during university, particularly in the summer months, is highly recommended. Not only does it complement academic learning, but it also provides valuable hands-on experience that can shape your career trajectory.

When should I cold email for summer internships? ›

For a summer internship, you might want to start sending those emails around December to March. This gives firms enough time to consider your application and also allows you to follow up if you don't hear back initially.

Does GPA matter for summer internships? ›

For interns, skills are almost negligible, leaving only values and abilities. On a resume, values are hard to tell so it's really just about abilities. GPA is one of the best predictors of abilities, making it incredibly important when applying for internships.

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