How does it happen
Jan 18, 2006
... caused a lot of anxiety and anxiety is another symptom that came on me big time , and rears its ugly head to this day on and off. I am still as I said getting my period . Longest I have been without it is 3 months this past year and then it came back and I have had every 24 or 25 days , not much of a flow. ... (23 replies)
A different kind of feeling than before...
Oct 6, 2005
... i forgot to mention that i have the nausea back at times, even puked in the morning like I was pregnant, now I am sweaty and hot flashing but i haven't gotten my period yet and it's 3 weeks late. ... (8 replies)
Hi hopefully, molly and the rest of the gang!
Sep 25, 2005
... mach is feeling good and I do think that all this peri stuff affects it so. Like you it was relieved most often by getting my period. I was not anxious to see it skip as there would be relief for me from all the symptoms for a bit when I got it. That is why until recently I have always welcomed getting it!! ... (1126 replies)
How old were you when you started peri-menopause?
Aug 12, 2005
... of months when I was 50 years old. At that time, I also had mood swings and hot flashes. Peri really got started for me when I was 51. That is when I started to skip periods. Most of the other symptoms did not show up until I didn't have a period for 1 year. ... (7 replies)
Menopause related problems?
Jun 10, 2005
... I had regular periods until age 53 and then they started to skip for months only to become regular again. I even went one year without a period. Now, I am 58 and have not had a period for two years. ... (2 replies)
Missed Periods Normal with HRT?
Jun 6, 2005
... GYN Wed. so maybe she'll have some answers too. I hope she confirms what you said about the lack of bleeding being normal, I'd like that and would be happy to skip a period every other month. ... (3 replies)
Bio-identical hormone replacement help
Jun 3, 2005
... I had this happen to me. I was about 50 also at the time. I would skip my period for 1 month, then two months and then all of a sudden start the never ending period. This went on for about a year or so. ... (23 replies)
I Am So Tired Of This!
Jan 24, 2005
... ot going to go through my whole history here but I am still at times with the perimenopause jitters, especially when I miss a period. It seems as though I get a period for a few months in a row and then skip one or two months. ... (8 replies)
Is there a pattern leading from peri to meno?
Nov 24, 2004
... after wiping in the bathroom...So now Im wondering when I stop the pills for the 7 days this month, if I will bleed and get a real period or not....I am to stop them for the 7 days, and then after that start a new pack... ... (4 replies)
Question about Irregular Bleeding
Oct 12, 2004
... I have been there. I am now at the place where I haven't had a period for 19 months. However, up until the age of 54, I always had heavy periods. Then I started to skip 4 months then I got regular again until the age of 56. ... (6 replies)
Could Someone Send Me A Symptom List Of Perimenopause!!
Oct 11, 2004
... months. But still clenching my teeth, still have hormone temper rages, still get depression here and there and still have the anxiety. Sometimes i will have a period every 23 days or it will skip two months or so like now. Always use to be so darn regular. ... (31 replies)
Perimenopause/menopause symptoms...part 2
Sep 10, 2004
... Here's a laugh for everyone! I went out after not having my period since May 13 and starting to believe that I "might" be pregnant with "gas" and all (movement!) I got a pregnancy test, it came back negative... SO WHAT HAPPENS TODAY? YOU GOT IT...I'm starting my period! :bouncing: Yippie Skip! come on menopause! (40 replies)
Jul 28, 2004
... Hi Hopefully, I don't have any side effects to the BCP. As I said earlier I had to try a couple. Also, there is a sort of "let down" when you stop the BCP to have your period, as you said you would feel the depression when you had your cycle. That's probably why when he lowered the dose it didn't work. What my doc told me to do was just skip the placebos and don't have a... (26 replies)
May 13, 2004
... I was a lot like you. I skipped my first period when I was 38. ... (15 replies)
Mar 23, 2004
... Um...not sure what you've been reading, Sharon, but heterosexual activity is NOT a risk factor for endometrial hyperplasia. Check this out: Cramping can be a symptom of endometrial problems, but it doesn't hafta be present for endometrial problems to exist. :eek: The female body is very efficient at cleaning out the uterus on a monthly basis during our reproductive years.... (21 replies)
Heavy Eyes
Dec 24, 2003
... but I got a period on 4th October and seemed to skip Nov altogether, then on 4th Dec got it as I thought but it was only for a couple of hours and very light, then vanished until two days later. ... (2 replies)
I love this site........I thought I was alone out there!!!
Oct 2, 2003
... Hi, I just found this site today and absolutely LOVE it. I'm 55 years old and have not had a period in two years so I guess you would call me "menopausal". ... (3 replies)
Menstrual Flooding
Apr 24, 2003
... feel like garbage. I was sent on to the Gyn and right now I'm on birth control. I took 2 a day for the 1st week and now I'm taking one a day. I'm supposed to skip the dummy pills and take another pack right on top of these. Right now I'm waiting for the results of a biopsy and we'll take it from there. ... (10 replies)
How to skip next period
Jun 5, 2002
... problems it has caused so many. You were on it for different reasons though and under strict MD supervison. The original poster needs to see her doc before her period is over if she wants to get birth control so she can skip her period. ... (4 replies)
Pre-menopause or dying?..
Feb 2, 2018
... It definitely sounds like peri. And some people never "skip" a period...they just stop having them so please don't sit around and wait on that as a sign. Have you not considered birth control pills? They can help. When I started having these issues,they just changed the one I was on and everything was great after that. (2 replies)